Bed Bug Treatment in Sunnyvale
Bed bugs are an incredibly common pest that can often come into your home through no fault of your own. Whether you’ve recently traveled or bought used furniture, it is very possible that bed bugs may have made their way into your home. With how fast they can reproduce, you could find yourself in the middle of an infestation before you know it. Thankfully, Premier Canine Detection can help with bed bug treatment in Sunnyvale! With our trained bed bug sniffing dogs and expert handlers, we can sniff out any bed bugs and take care of a bed bug problem in no time. K9 bed bug inspections have higher detection rates than human-only inspections!
As part of our bed bug treatment, you’ll receive:
- A comprehensive inspection by our bed bug-sniffing dogs.
- Specialized heat treatment tailored to your home to remove all bed bugs without damaging your belongings.
- Same day and Saturday servicing available to make sure that the disruption to your lives doesn’t go on for any longer than is needed.
- Our satisfaction guarantee - if bed bugs return within 30 days, we will re-treat for free!
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Bed Bug Heat Treatment in Sunnyvale

Our heat treatment is specifically developed to improve upon conventional bed bug treatments by allowing the home to be livable much faster than traditional fumigation. During the heat treatment, your home’s internal temperature will be raised to above 113 degrees Fahrenheit, a temperature at which no bed bugs can survive. This heat will also kill any eggs and nymphs with no harm to any of your belongings, making sure you return to a bed bug free home. It may sound like the heat will be damaging, but as long as you follow the recommended preparation procedures below, your home will be returned to you with your belongings unharmed in no time.
Protecting Your Belongings
In order to properly protect your furniture and the rest of your home, follow these tips for a fast and safe bed bug heat treatment:
- Remove anything that may react poorly to intense heat, such as plants, aerosols, and any other flammables.
- Remove anything that burns easily, such as wood, newspapers, or cardboard.
- Don’t move any infested objects; this may spread the bed bugs before we have a chance to treat them.
- Make sure to remove any and all pets from the home!

Free Inspection When You Sign Up Now!
If you’re concerned about a potential bed bug presence, then it is imperative that you get a professional bed bug inspection as soon as possible. If there are any bed bugs, our bed bug detection dogs will find them. If you sign up for one of our heat treatments after the inspection, the inspection will be completely free! With bed bugs spreading as quickly as they do, it is important that they are identified and dealt with as quickly as possible. Give us a call for the best bed bug removal in Sunnyvale!